A review of the unreported Decision of the High Court of Lagos State in Suit Number WD/297/12 –Joy Obiageli Oti Olaniyan v. Olufemi Clement Olaniyan – Pedro, J, delivered on Monday, 5th day of June 2017 Click here for more.
Jurisprudentially, every accused person should have access to certain fundamental human rights such as right to bail. It is anchored on the constitutional presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Freedom of movement to be curtailed once a person is allegedly …
Very recently, Nigeria has experienced possibly the worst kind of financial meltdown since its independence as a sovereign nation. Many factors contributed to this happening however, it is widely believed that the country’s sole dependence on only the oil sector …
Bribery is no doubt a cankerworm that has eaten deep into the Nigerian economy, especially with regards to governments and even in interpersonal relationships between individuals. The situation of the Nigerian economy is dire as bribery now cuts through almost …
The Editorial Board of the Unilag Law Review is pleased to announce the release of Volume 1 No. 2 of the Unilag Law Review. The Editorial Board thanks thanks the contributors, our readers and sponsors for their constant support throughout …
The article is divided into three parts. The first part of this article seeks to explain and shed more light on banker customer relationship, the legal position as to who a banker is, who a customer is, the incidents of …
ABSTRACT This essay seeks to explore the legal framework governing the operation or activities of mergers and acquisitions in Nigeria. It is a unique field in the Nigeria legal system, and this is connected to the limited expertise in this …