The University of Lagos Law Review (Unilag Law Review) is now calling for papers for its Volume 2, Edition 1 to be published in early 2018. The Unilag Law Review accepts entries from all stakeholders in the legal profession (law …
Historically, the role and status of women in Nigeria have continuously evolved. In the pre-colonial period, women played quite paramount roles in the trade, social, political arena, they largely contributed to the household income via engaging in many economic activities …
This essay seeks to evaluate the propriety of the relatively recent attempt by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to introduce a price floor in the market for internet access in Nigeria. It examines the NCC’s decision through the lenses of …
The rapid spread of globalization in the world today is undeniable. The advent of the internet, great advances in technology and social media, have fostered interplay of the world’s cultures and greatly boosted the world’s status as a global village. …
Sixth Professor Alfred Bamidele Kasunmu Annual Lecture, delivered on September 15, 2016 at the Main Auditorium, University of Lagos. Click here for more.
An efficient system of dispute resolution is highly necessary for economic viability and sustainability of national economies. However, despite the rising profile of arbitration as an alternative means of commercial disputes resolution, Nigeria still continues to contend with the issues …
With a large population and a rewarding economy, there has never been a limit to the opportunities available to local companies and multinational corporations in Nigeria. However, 56 years after gaining independence, Nigeria is still largely considered a developing nation …
This paper briefly examines the concept of sharebuy back scheme in Nigeria and the extant position of the Nigerian Law as regards the transaction. The present writer essentially places emphasis on an in depth analysis and examination of the tax …
This paper was presented at the 7th Edition of the Prof. A. B. Kasunmu SAN Annual Lecture which held at the University of Lagos Auditorium, Akoka, Lagos State on 19th July 2017. Click here for more.
From across the ocean a drummer in the clouds beats his drums and its melody reaches the shores of a distant land that forbids music, melody and sounds. On what basis can the drummer’s action in the clouds be challenged …