The Lotus Flower Bomb: A Look at Jurisdiction and the Evolution of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction – Oluwatobi Olowokure
The rapid spread of globalization in the world today is undeniable. The advent of the internet, great advances in technology and social media, have fostered interplay of the world’s cultures and greatly boosted the world’s status as a global village. Apart from these overt phenomena, there is economic policy, foreign policy and the protective principle policies of the various countries in the world which play all too important roles in the formulation of the legislative and judicial framework of these states. All these and more have greatly contributed to blur the lines of jurisdiction, which although prima facie is only exercisable territorially, has now burst from that cocoon to be exercisable beyond its borders or on non-residents. This article seeks to analyse the evolution of jurisdiction and extraterritorial jurisdiction internationally, taking cognizance of the decision in the case of the S.S Lotus.
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