ABSTRACT Recently, political theorists have intensified their call for the entrenchment of deliberative democracy as the style of governance. Its proponents have argued that deliberative democracy’s emphasis on citizen-led process of decision making, rather than its outcome, makes it the …
ABSTRACT Recently, more women have come out with their experiences with sexual assault, and they have exposed sexual assaulters in the process. This movement has become known as the #MeToo movement. While it started in the USA, it has quickly …
ABSTRACT Transnational and International Legal Career (TILC) opportunities will likely increase in the post-COVID 19 era. Being competitive for top TILC opportunities in academia, policy, practice and beyond requires some knowledge for conscious calculation. Although globalization and technology have made …
With the coming into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union on the 25th of May 2018, the debate on how data is handled/disclosed by governments, corporations, public institutions, etc. has taken the front burner …
With consumers seeking an ever-widening array of outlets for accessing entertainment, the media faces tremendous opportunities driven by new technologies and evolving business relationships. To take advantage of these opportunities, lawyers in this practice area help to structure, negotiate and …
AN INSPECTION OF THE LEGAL TUSSLE BETWEEN TECHNICALITIES AND SUBSTANTIAL JUSTICE: A NEED FOR BALANCE ABSTRACT Perhaps one of the most conspicuous legal controversies that has sparked intellectual arguments over a long span is the continual reliance on technical rules …
1.0 INTRODUCTION The world is a global village and daily, it becomes increasingly technologically advanced. As technological inventions and creative innovations pave the way for our digital future, there is an ever-increasing need for the protection of intellectual property rights. …
Very recently, a bill proposing the ban on the importation and use of generators was passed at First Reading by the Nigerian Senate. From the Bill’s title, the purpose of the ban includes, to curb the menace of environmental (air) …
Today’s legal practice is utilitarian. It requires us to approach it with a socio-economic understanding, and this also means that to be a good law professional, one’s knowledge of law must necessarily conform with and be creatively applied to solve …
ABSTRACT Perhaps, more than at any other point in human history, the world at large is at an existential counterpoint where no individual nation can afford to slack or be left behind. However, it is feared that the reverse is …